Godzilla vs. Ronald McDonald

Ronald McDonald

One day, Ronald McDonald was on a killing spree, beating people to death with plastic "Happy" meal toys, he was putting a small one down a kids throat when....


Godzilla appeared, cars flew around Ronald. People ran past him, caring little.
Godzilla vaporized a local McDonalds. THAT... WAS... TEH... LAST... STRAW.
Ronald McDonald knew that the weak, pathetic "King" of the Monsters would breath last under his feet, he gathered his "Happy" meal toys. He knew what would happen.
Ronald thought of the corpse of Godzilla, crushed under his feet. He thought of his new title as King of the Monsters, yes Ronald McDonald, King of the Monsters.
Ronald charged, and struck Godzilla in the knee with terrible force...
A horrifying crack sounded.
A large body collapsed....
Ronald McDonald had...
Been killed instantly by Godzilla. His sprawled corpse lay on the ground.
What an idiot.
The moral of the story is: Radiation is dangerous. Don't run toward it.


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